July 20, 2019

19 Sign Ideas For Pride Month

If you're planning on marching for Pride 2019, have you thought about bringing a sign? If you have, why not take some inspiration from some of these amazingly witty, touching, and powerful signs from past marches!
Written by
Camille Beredjick
Published on
July 20, 2019
Updated on
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If you’re heading to a Pride parade for Pride Month 2019, which kicked off June 1st and will continue to be celebrated until the 30th, we certainly hope you’re bringing a killer sign. Parade and protest signs have become viral sensations in the past few years due to the tumultuous political climate. Do you have what it takes to create the next viral Pride parade sign? Or will the masses tell you and your sign to “sashay away?” (Truth be told, no one would ever be that mean at a Pride parade — who are we kidding?) Virality aside, you probably just want to make an awesome sign that’s unique and presents your message in the best, most thoughtful way possible.

We’ve collected some of our favorite Pride parade signs from years past and present to give you a few ideas and inspire you to create a fun, supportive, and catchy Pride parade sign that is destined to get you all the Instagram likes (or just make you happy!).

Although the signs make for great content, let’s not let the temptation of internet stardom muddle the reason why we’re celebrating in the first place.

Pride Is All About Loving And Supporting The LGBTQ+ Community

And if we can best convey that with a great sign, then that’s our main motive for creating one. Behold:

1. “The Gay Agenda”

This honestly sounds like a great week. Sign us up!

Gay pride sign that says gay agenda

2. “God is a trans woman of color.”

Hey, how do you know God isn’t? God can be whoever you want Her, Him, Them to be, and at Pride, God can most certainly be a trans woman of color.

sign that reads god is a trans woman of color

3. “Harry Potter taught us nobody deserves to live in a closet.”

You don’t have to wait for your letter from Hogwarts, people. Come out from under the stairs and live your best life, dang it!

Gay pride sign about harry potter

4. “NRA Sashay Away.”

If you’re looking to combat the NRA at your local Pride parade, you may want to take inspiration from the god of the gays. As our Lord RuPaul would say, “sashay away.”

sign that reads nra sashay away

5. “Feel free to love and be proud of who you are.”

You certainly don’t need permission to love yourself. But this sign is just a nice little reminder, don’t you think?

sign that reads feel free to love and be proud of who you are

6. “I eat gender norms for breakfast.”

Gender norms? Those are nothing — meaningless, worthless, the sugary part of a well-balanced breakfast.

I eat gender norms for breakfast

7. “I’m here, I’m queer, I have social anxiety. Please be nice.”

Just when you’re ready to hit the Pride parade, the social anxiety creeps in. You might as well make it known and include it in your parade sign, right?

LGBTQ pride parade sign

8. “Straight? So is spaghetti until you heat it up.”

And once spaghetti gets heated up, there’s no going back. If it’s not just a phase for spaghetti, then it certainly doesn’t have to be for you, either.

straight, so is spaghetti sign

9. “The Gay Agenda” reprise

This plan also sounds great. Can we partake in both gay agendas at once? We’re great at multitasking!

gay agenda sign

10. “Mom, I’m an onion ring in your fries. Unexpected, but do you mind?”

We honestly look forward to that onion ring, actually! What’s a fast food meal (ahem...life) without that rogue onion ring (ahem...diversity)?

mom i'm an onion ring

11. “Being gay is like glitter. It never goes away.”

Not only do we love this sign, but we’re also quite fond of the sign in the back that reads: “Ugh, where do I even start!” Both are giving us the Pride vibes we’ve been asking for.

being gay is like glitter it never goes away sign

12. “God thinks you’re fabulous.”

Enough with the religious-based hate. Let’s start showing some much-needed love. If God loves all, then he absolutely thinks the LGBTQ+ community is fabulous.

god thnks you're fabulous

13. “Blessed be the fruits.”

We love this harmless jab at conservative religion and a reference to The Handmaid’s Tale. For those of you who don’t know “Blessed be the fruit” is a greeting shared between Handmaids, and is said to encourage fertility. Creepy.

sign that reads blessed be the fruits

14. “Fruit Loops are really just gay Cheerios.”

This one is honestly just fun!

gay cheerios

15. “Free mom hugs”

Getting a hug from a mother may just be what someone needs to turn their day around. Offering up free mom hugs is a great idea because you never know if someone’s family has cut off contact as a result of them coming out.

woman holding sign that says free mom hugs

16. “I used to be a Bible-banging homophobe. Sorry!”

If you’ve changed your opinions and now accept that love conquers all, it’s important for you to share. These signs, created by a group of Christians, apologize for the way they used to treat the LGBTQ+ community, and they’re all perfect.

gay pride signs that read i used to be a bible banging homophobe sorry

17. “No vertical video!”

You’d really be doing the world a service by demanding those at the Pride parade to stop taking vertical videos (“for cryin’ out loud!”). How else are we supposed to get the scope of the crowd if all we can see is one person at a time?

sign that reads no vertical video at a gay pride parade

18. “Homophobia can suck my dick.”

Get it? Get it? The crassness may not be your style, but you have to admit that this Pride sign is pretty freaking funny.

homophobia can suck my dick

19. “I am out. I am free. I am human.”

This sign from a 1982 Pride Parade is still incredibly pertinent now in the modern era. Finally coming out and living your truth is a completely freeing and human experience, and thus needs to be celebrated.

Do you have a favorite Pride parade sign on the list, or perhaps have a unique idea of your own? Make it, flaunt it at Pride, and share it with us on social media, just tag us @Odotschool!

Reviewed for Medical Accuracy

Camille Beredjick is a writer and nonprofit communications strategist. Her work has appeared in BuzzFeed, the Daily Dot, Mic and elsewhere, and she is the author of Queer Disbelief: Why LGBTQ Equality Is an Atheist Issue. She lives in Brooklyn with her wife.

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